Thinking about studying at university?
Universities offer courses leading to a wide range of qualifications in a diverse range of fields from architecture to zoology.
Some university qualifications lead to specific occupations such as medicine, law or engineering. Other qualifications are more general such as arts, business or science degrees.
At university you can choose from:
- undergraduate qualifications such as diplomas, advanced diplomas and bachelor degrees
- postgraduate qualifications such as graduate certificates, graduate diplomas, masters degrees and doctoral degrees.
As a school leaver, you'll need to start with an undergraduate qualification.
Choosing what to study

When choosing what to study, think about what job you might like in the future and the skills or qualifications you'll need. You may also need to study prerequisite subjects and have an ATAR.
You could start your research by visiting some of the websites in our jobs and careers section or you might find the information on our courses, applications and fees page useful.
Once you have an idea of what you'd like to study, you'll need to find out where you can study it.
In Queensland, there are nine universities to choose from:
For information on how to apply for university entrance in Queensland and interstate, check out our courses, applications and fees page.
Knowing how much a course will cost is an important factor in deciding what and where to study. You can get an estimate of first year study costs by using QTAC's Course Search application or you can contact universities directly to find how much the courses you are considering will cost.
You might be able to get some financial assistance to cover your study costs. Our courses, applications and fees page has more information.
If you are interested in studying overseas, visit our gap year and international study page.