Each year thousands of school leavers take up apprenticeship or traineeship opportunities, or enrol in further training to learn new skills and kick start their career.
Apprenticeships and traineeships
Apprenticeships and traineeships combine training with paid employment. They can be full time, part time, or school-based.
An apprenticeship gives you training in a skilled trade, e.g. electrical, plumbing, cabinet making and automotive mechanics. A traineeship gives you training in a specific vocational area, e.g. administration, ICT, hospitality.
Apprentices and trainees complete a nationally recognised qualification while learning valuable skills at work and under the guidance of a training organisation.
Apprenticeships take up to four years to complete, while traineeships vary in length from 12 months to three years.
You can start a school-based apprenticeship or traineeship in Years 10, 11 or 12, with approval from your school. After you've left school, apprenticeships and traineeships can be full time or part-time depending on your situation.
Choosing an apprenticeship or traineeship
When choosing an apprenticeship or traineeship, think about what you enjoy doing and your interests.

Talk to your family, friends, or school career counsellor or guidance officer about the jobs you are interested in.
You could start your research by visiting some of the useful websites in our Jobs and Careers section.
Or browse the A–Z of apprenticeships and traineeships at Queensland Training Information Service (QTIS).
Once you've decided what apprenticeship or traineeship you want to do, you will need to find an employer. Then, you and your employer will need to choose a training organisation to deliver your training. Visit the Department of Employment, Small Business and Training for more information about getting started as an apprentice or trainee.
There may be costs associated with your apprenticeship or traineeship. These could include:
- fees for attending the training organisation
- uniforms and equipment
- text books and other study materials
- parking or transport costs to attend work or training.
You might be able to get some help covering these costs. Check out our courses applications and fees page for more information.
- The Department of Employment, Small Business and Training provides information on apprenticeships and traineeships in Queensland.
- Australian Apprenticeships Pathways has information about Australian apprenticeships including potential job pathways across more than 50 industries.
- Australian Job Search lets you look and apply for jobs and search for apprenticeships and traineeship in Queensland and interstate.
- Queensland Training Information Service lets you search for information on apprenticeships and traineeships approved for delivery in Queensland.
TAFE and training
Thinking about studying at TAFE or another vocational education and training (VET) provider?
VET courses give you practical, hands-on, industry-relevant training, so you'll be job-ready when you finish your qualification.
Study options include certificate and diploma-level qualifications as well as associate degrees and training for apprenticeships and traineeships. Some VET providers also offer higher education qualifications equivalent to a university degree.
Generally, the higher the VET qualification, the longer it takes to complete. You can finish some Certificate II and III courses in less than six months, while diploma courses can take up to three years.
You can use your VET study to get a job, set up your own business or as a pathway to further training.
Choosing a TAFE or training course

When choosing a VET course, think about what job you might like in the future and the skills or qualifications you'll need.
You could start your research by using some of the resources in our jobs and careers section or you might find our courses, applications and fees page useful.
TAFE Queensland is the largest and most experienced VET provider in Queensland. It offers more than 500 practical, industry-relevant courses to over 120,000 students each year.
In partnership with Queensland's major universities and a some interstate tertiary institutions, TAFE Queensland offers pathways to university as well as credit towards university study.
Other VET providers include:
- private colleges such as business schools, hairdressing and beauty schools, tennis and golf academies and dance schools
- government organisations such as Defence Force Recruiting Centres and Queensland Police
- registered training organisations.
Like TAFE Queensland, many other VET providers have close partnerships with tertiary institutions and employers, offering pathways to further study or employment. You can search for courses and qualifications offered by private VET providers in Australia on the myfuture or myskills websites.
Study costs
Knowing how much a course will cost is an important factor in deciding what and where to study. You can get an estimate of first year study costs by using QTAC's Course Search application or you can contact VET providers directly to find how much the courses you are considering will cost.
You might be able to get some financial assistance to cover your study costs. For more information and to apply for VET study in Queensland and interstate, check out our courses, applications and fees page.
- Good Universities Guide helps you find courses, explore careers, and search for scholarships at Australian universities, TAFEs and training colleges.
- myfuture lets you search for VET courses, trainin opportunities, and providers across Australia.
- myskills provides information about VET and connects students and employers with training organisations across Australia.
- QTAC lets you search for VET courses in Queensland, northern New South Wales and Tasmania.
- TAFE Queensland lets you search for TAFE Queensland courses by study area or region.