QCAA subjects and courses

The QCAA develops syllabuses across a range of learning areas. You can choose from General subjects, Applied subjects and Short Courses.

Learning areas

QCAA senior subjects are grouped into eight learning areas.

  • English
  • Health and Physical Education
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Languages
  • Mathematics
  • Sciences
  • Technologies
  • The Arts.

Each subject syllabus details what you will learn and how you will be assessed.

A-Z senior syllabus lists

The QCAA is transitioning to a revised suite of senior syllabuses.

Revised Applied syllabuses began implementation in 2024.

Revised General, General (Extension) and Short Course syllabuses will be implemented from 2025.

A-Z lists of senior subjects are available on the QCAA website.

QCAA General subjects

General subjects prepare you for tertiary study, further education and training and work. They include Extension subjects and Senior External Examination syllabuses.

They may contribute up to 4 credits per subject towards your QCE.

General subjects may also contribute to an ATAR.

QCAA Applied subjects

Applied subjects focus on practical skills and prepare you for further education and training, and work.

They may contribute up to 4 credits per subject towards your QCE.

One Applied subject may also contribute to an ATAR when combined with four General subjects.

QCAA Short Courses

Short Courses provide a foundation for further learning in a range of areas.

They may contribute one credit per course towards your QCE.

Short Courses do not contribute to your ATAR.

Senior syllabus development

The QCAA develops, approves and revises syllabuses for senior subjects. The syllabus for each subject describes what you'll learn and how you'll be assessed.

There are common factors that underpin QCAA syllabuses.

Senior syllabuses develop your subject-specific knowledge and, through teaching and learning, develop your literacy and numeracy skills.

Syllabuses also provide opportunities for you to develop the skills to help you thrive in work and life in the 21st century. These include:

  • critical thinking
  • creative thinking
  • communication
  • collaboration and teamwork
  • personal and social skills
  • information and communication technologies (ICT) skills.

Watch our 21st century skills videos to find out more.

QCAA senior syllabuses promote opportunities to include Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives in teaching and learning.

Throughout senior schooling you'll develop your understanding and appreciation of the diversity of cultures and histories of Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples and their contributions to Australian society.

Last updated 20 September 2024

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