Student Portal FAQs

Having trouble logging in?

Refer to the access and login troubleshooting FAQs below.

If your question isn't covered then submit an online query for a speedy response.

The Student Portal gives you secure access to your personal learning information. You can check your subject enrolments and results, access your external assessment timetable and download your official statements and certificates when these are issued.

The Registering for the Student Portal (PDF, 1.4 MB) quickstep guides you through registration process.
The Student Portal applications explained (PDF, 2.7 MB) quickstep guides you through the features that are inside the Student Portal.

Accessing the Student Portal

You need to register to access the Student Portal before you can log in.

To register, you will need your 10-digit learner unique identifier (LUI), which you can get from your school or learning provider.

Your initial password is your day and month of birth in ddmm format, e.g. if you were born on 5 August, your initial password would be 0508.

Once you register, you can log in with the email and password you nominate during registration.

It’s best to register using a personal email address, not your school email. This will make it easier to reset your password if you forget it once you’ve left school.

See the Registering for the Student Portal (PDF, 1.4 MB) quickstep for further details.

Your 10-digit learner unique identifier or LUI is created when your school or learning provider registers you with the QCAA. It is different from your school ID and the Unique Student Identifier (USI).

You’ll need your LUI when you first register to access the Student Portal. Then you can log in with the email and password you nominate during registration.

Make sure you keep a record of your LUI number in a safe place. You may need to use your LUI again to identify yourself for other applications and purposes.

Your initial password for the registration process is your day and month of birth in ddmm format, e.g. if you were born on 5 August, your initial password would be 0508.

We want to make it easy for you to access the Student Portal.

You only need to know your LUI the first time you register. Then you can log in with your email and the password you nominate.

Remember to register using a personal email address, not your school email. That way you can easily reset your password if you forget it once you’ve left school.

Providing a mobile phone number is optional and you can do it at any time. If you forget your password and don’t have access to your email, we can send instructions to your mobile so you can reset your password.

If you've forgotten your password, you can reset it with your email address or mobile phone number.

Troubleshooting your login

Make sure you're entering your LUI and password in the correct formats. Your LUI should have 10 digits. If it doesn't, try adding zeros in front of the number your school or learning provider gave so that the number contains 10 digits.

Your initial password is your day and month of birth in ddmm format, e.g. if it is 5 August, your initial password would be 0508.

You can check with your school to confirm your LUI is correct and that your date of birth has been recorded correctly. If you are still unable to register there may be a problem with your account. Please submit an online query for assistance.

You only use your LUI and initial password when you first register to access the Student Portal.

Once you have registered, you log in with the email and password you nominated during registration.

Make sure you keep a record of your LUI number in a safe place. You may need to use your LUI again to identify yourself for other applications and purposes.

You will be locked out of your account after 10 failed  login attempts. To ask for your account to be unlocked, contact your school, or submit an online query for assistance.

Navigating the Student Portal

You will see the following features inside the Student Portal:

  • My Details — where you can see  your personal details
  • My Learning Account — where you  can view your subject and course enrolments, check your QCE eligibility, see  your results and download your Senior  Education Profile (when issued)
  • My Timetable — where you will  see your external assessment timetable (for General subjects)
  • My AARA — where you can view  the status of access arrangements and reasonable adjustments (AARA)
  • My Online Learning — where you  can complete the QCAA academic integrity course and print a certificate of  completion.

See the Student Portal applications explained (PDF, 2.7 MB) quickstep for further details.

You can update your Student Portal login details — email  address, mobile phone number and password — via the top navigation bar in My Details. We recommend you also advise your school if you have updated your email address or mobile phone number, so they can update their school records.

While you are still enrolled at a school, you cannot update any of the information in the personal details, demographic details or  contact details sections. It is important that you check your details and  subject enrolments, and tell your school or learning provider if anything is  incorrect or missing. They will make the updates.

Once the QCAA has issued your final subject results and  Senior Education Profile (SEP) in late December, you will be able to update  your contact details within My Details.

All senior students in the new QCE system have a QCAA learning account in the Student Portal. It lets you monitor your progress towards achieving a Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) and access your final results and QCE at the end of Year 12, or when you become eligible.

Your learning account shows you details of the school/s and vocational education and training (VET) learning providers where you are  enrolled. It includes the following tabs in the menu:

  • Registrations and enrolments — shows the learning providers that you are registered with and the learning options you are enrolled in that contribute towards the Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE). These include General and/or Applied subjects, VET courses and other QCE-recognised studies.
  • QCE eligibility — shows your projected eligibility for the QCE (it will display as a projection based on your enrolments until the certification process at the end of Year 12, or after Year 12).
  • Results — displays unit results and General subject assessment results (as they become available throughout the year). Also shows VET qualifications and other QCE-recognised studies (that are reported by the relevant learning provider).
  • Senior Education Profile (SEP) — contains your official certificates and statements (once you are eligible). You can download your SEP documents at any time.
  • Verification and reassessment — allows you to submit a request to the QCAA if you believe any of the information or results on your certificates or statements is incorrect or missing.

Registrations and enrolments

If you see an error in your subject or course enrolments,  tell your school or learning provider and request they update your details in  the QCAA Student Management application.

No. The ticks and crosses show the units you are enrolled  in for each of your subjects or courses.

Most QCAA subjects have four units, so you will see four  ticks.

If you change subjects or schools, or study courses with  fewer than four units, there may be crosses against some units.

You can view your results via the Results tab of your  learning account once they become available.

The QCAA academic integrity course

No. The course is designed to help you understand the  ethical way to approach assessment and produce your best work. It is not a  requirement for QCE eligibility and does not contribute credit towards a QCE.

The course is designed to help you understand good  academic practices, but it does not contribute credit towards a QCE.

You will be able to download a certificate once you  complete all four parts of the course.

AARA applications and notifications

Access arrangements  and reasonable adjustments (AARA) are provided to minimise barriers for students whose disability, impairment, medical condition or other circumstances may affect their ability to read, respond to or participate in assessment.

No. Schools apply for AARA on behalf of students. The  arrangements may include:

  • alternative exam conditions, e.g. extra time or  breaks
  • alternative format papers, e.g. larger font,  black-and-white format
  • assistive technology, e.g. screen reader and  speech recognition application
  • a reader and/or scribe
  • illness and misadventure.

AARA applications can be viewed in the My AARA section of  the Student Portal. When a decision is available, it will show in the Status column. You will need to ask your school for a copy of the decision.

External assessment timetable

External assessments are held annually in Term 4. You can  access the timetable via My Timetable in the Student Portal, once the QCAA has  finalised the schedule each year.

External assessments are held for General and General (Extension) subjects, and for a small number of students who are studying  Senior External Examination (SEE) subjects.

Applied subjects do not have external assessments, so you  will not see these in your timetable.

The external assessment timetable shows the date and  session only. It does not show exact start times for assessments, as these may  vary between schools. Your school will provide you with exact start times for each of your scheduled assessments.

External assessments are held for General and General (Extension) subjects, and for a small number of students who are studying  Senior External Examination (SEE) subjects. Applied subjects do not have  external assessments, so you will not see these in your timetable.

If you think any subjects are missing from your timetable  once it is available, you should talk to your school.

The external assessment timetable is designed to minimise  clashes. If a clash occurs (e.g. two subjects scheduled in the same session),  the QCAA works with your school to reschedule one of your assessments to a different session. This means the session times in your timetable may be different  from other students in the same class.

Accessing and checking results

The Results tab in your learning account will show your results for:

  • QCAA General and Applied subjects Units 1 and 2, once you have completed all course requirements and your school has entered your result
  • QCAA General subjects Units 3 and 4 (summative) internal assessments, after they have been finalised by the QCAA Confirmation process:
    • The confirmed marks for the first internal assessment start to be released to students in May
    • The confirmed second and third internal assessment marks start to be released in October
  • QCAA General subject results for external assessments and General Senior External Examinations (SEEs) will be available in late December.

Final subject results (for QCAA General and Applied subjects) will be available in late December. For QCAA General subjects, you will receive an overall mark out of 100 and a grade of A–E for each subject. For QCAA Applied subjects, you will receive a grade of A–E for each subject.

VET qualifications and QCE-recognised studies results will be available after they have been reported by the relevant learning provider.

Schools make judgments about your achievement in Unit 1 and Unit 2 based on the assessments you have completed for each subject. Your  result is reported to the QCAA as Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory.

A school may determine your result is unsatisfactory if  you have had the opportunity to engage in the teaching, learning and assessment, and your achievements (overall) against the syllabus standards are  at a D or E standard.

If you think there is an error, you should talk to your  school.

Your results in Units 1 and 2 do not count towards your overall subject result of A–E. The final subject result is based on your assessment in Units 3 and 4. However, your results in Unit 1 and 2 contribute credit towards your QCE.

Results provided by your school are provisional until after they are confirmed.

The QCAA's confirmation process ensures the comparability of students' results for summative internal assessments in General and General (Extension) subjects.
QCAA assessors review selected samples of student work from every school to confirm teachers have used the marking guides accurately and consistently. After the QCAA's confirmation decisions have been communicated to schools, your confirmed results are published in your learning account.

If you think there is an error, you should talk to your school or learning provider.

In Applied subjects, you will not see results for internal  assessments in your learning account until you have completed Units 3 and 4.  This is because your school will make a judgment about the four assessments you  complete during Units 3 and 4. Your exit result of A–E is reported in your  learning account based on the exit folio of your responses to the assessments.

In Applied (Essential) subjects (Essential English and Essential Mathematics), you will respond to three school-developed assessments  and the common internal assessment. Your exit result of A–E is reported in your  learning account after completing Units 3 and 4, in your exit folio of  responses.

Yes, because students doing the same General and General  (Extension) subjects sit the same external assessment, and the QCAA quality  assures the internal assessment marks awarded by schools.

In these subjects, internal assessment results are added to the external assessment result to give a mark out of 100. The marks  you received for your internal assessments are not affected by your external  assessment result.

Subject experts compare completed assessment tasks to syllabus reporting standards to determine the numerical cut-offs that decide A–E grades in each subject. These cut-offs are used for all students who have  completed the same subject. So a mark of 81 out of 100 awarded to a Modern  History student in one school is comparable to a mark of 81 achieved by a Modern History student at another school.

No. It is not valid to compare the numerical results in  different General and General (Extension) subjects.

Assessments are different between subjects, so the marks  awarded to students are not comparable.

Subject experts compare completed assessment tasks to syllabus reporting standards to determine the numerical cut-offs that decide  A–E grades in each subject. These grade boundaries vary between subjects. So  the mark a student must achieve to be awarded an A in one subject may be  different to the cut-off for an A in another subject.

Once all assessments have been completed, subject  experts compare completed assessment tasks to syllabus reporting standards to  determine the numerical cut-offs that decide the A–E grades in each subject.  The grade boundaries are the same for all students who have completed the same  subject in that year. The A–E grades are known as reporting standards.

If you think some of your VET competencies are missing, you  should tell your school or learning provider and request they update your  learning account.

The Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC) calculates and provides ATARs for Queensland students. You will not receive your ATAR in your QCAA learning account. For ATAR questions, contact QTAC on 1300 193 173 or email

If anything is missing or incorrect prior to results being released at the end of Year 12, you should notify your school or training provider.

After results are released at the end of Year 12, if you believe any of the information or results on your certificates or statements are incorrect or missing (excluding external assessment), you can apply for a verification of information. You can complete and submit the verification form by the due date via the Verification and reassessment tab in your learning account. The QCAA will ask your school/learning provider to check that the information they provided was correct. The QCAA will not review or re-mark your internal assessment.

After results are released at the end of Year 12, you can apply for a reassessment of external assessment or a Senior External Examination (SEE), if you believe there has been a marking error. You can complete and submit the reassessment form by the due date via the Verification and reassessment tab in your learning account. The QCAA will mark your examination papers again. Reassessment may decrease, confirm or increase the result the QCAA originally awarded.

QCE eligibility

Your QCE eligibility tab in your learning account displays a summary of your projected QCE eligibility. This projection is based on the enrolments reported by your school and training providers being completed to meet the QCE requirements. For the QCE a student needs 20 credits at the set standard, in a set pattern, and to meet the literacy and numeracy requirements. For most students, this will be at the end of Year 12.

QCE credit for each subject or course will show as projected until you have successfully completed all course work and your school  or learning provider has entered your results.

To receive a QCE, you must achieve 20 credits at a set standard, in a set pattern, and meet the literacy and numeracy requirements. Visit  the QCAA website to find out more about the QCE eligibility requirements.

Check your Senior Statement and the information in your learning account to see if all relevant studies are listed. If any are missing, contact the course provider (i.e. school, TAFE or private provider).

If you think there has been an error, you can submit a verification form via the Verification and reassessment tab in your learning account.

If you have questions about your QCE eligibility or QCE  credits, you can email or phone 1800 804 991.

Accessing certificates and statements

The Senior Education Profile (SEP) tab in your learning account contains official certificates and statements. Depending on your eligibility, your SEP may contain the following:

  • Senior Statement — issued in December to all students when they complete Year 12 at a Queensland school
  • Statement of Results — issued in July or December to eligible non-school leavers
  • Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) — awarded to eligible students in Queensland
  • Queensland Certificate of Individual Achievement (QCIA) — issued to eligible students when they complete Year 12 in Queensland.  This certificate recognises achievements of students who have impairments or learning difficulties who are on individualised learning programs.

You can download and save the certificates/statements as a PDF from your learning account at any time. You can then print a copy for your records or provide them to a third party as proof of your achievements.

Yes. The documents in your learning account are official.
You can download and save them at any time, or provide them as PDFs to potential employers or further education/training providers. You can also print your own paper copies yourself once you’ve downloaded them.

There are a number of ways that employers, further education providers and other organisations can check if certificates and statements are authentic:

  • Electronic certificates and statements feature a blue digital signature panel along the top of the document. This certifies they are authentic QCAA documents and have not been altered.
  • Via QR code — when scanned, the QR code on a certificate or statement directs users to a unique web page which displays the student’s name, document and date issued, and results. This confirms it is official. The URL will contain the QCAA domain name (
  • Via the QCAA website — users will need to enter the student’s family name, LUI and the unique document ID that is on the bottom of the certificate and/or statement.

Yes. You can download them from your learning account and print your own copies. If you provide the paper copy to an employer or education/training provider they can authenticate these when the QR code is scanned or via the QCAA page

The QCAA will not automatically post paper copies of your certificates and statements to you.

This is because the electronic documents in your learning account are official documents — they contain a digital signature and a unique document ID to confirm they are authentic.

You can download and print them from your learning account or provide electronic copies to potential employers or further studies providers.

If you don't have access to a printer and would like the QCAA to send you a paper copy, you can submit a request. Print copies will be identical to the electronic copies. The following due dates and processes apply:

  • end of year certification — you can submit a request via the Senior Education Profile tab in your learning account. Print copies are free if the request is submitted by 31 January (of the year following certification). Copies are posted in March, once applications for verification have been finalised.
  • mid-year certification — you can submit a request via the Senior Education Profile tab in your learning account. Print copies are free if the request is submitted by 31 August (in the year of certification) and will be posted in September.

Outside of the above timeframes you can download your official electronic SEP documents at any time and print them yourself. Note: You can apply to the QCAA for a print copy.

Last updated 29 November 2023

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