Amber Heaton

Amber Heaton – Chef

Amber Heaton


  • Mathematics A (now General Mathematics)
  • English Communication
  • Religion & Ethics
  • Hospitality
  • Agriculture Science
  • Certificate ll in Business
  • Certificate lll in Commercial Cookery

What have you been doing since graduating from Year 12 at Marymount College in 2017?

I’ve completed a Certificate lll in Commercial Cookery and discovered a passion for cooking competitions. So far, I’ve competed in 31 competitions around the world, including New Zealand, Spain and Luxembourg.

I’m the Captain of the Australian Youth Culinary Team and we’re currently training for the IKA Culinary Olympics in Stuttgart in 2024.

In a few years, I’d like to start a culinary school on the Gold Coast so I can give back to my community and help people of all ages to feel comfortable in the kitchen.

What inspired you to become a chef?

I’ve always had a passion for food. Coming from an Italian background, I had beautiful home-cooked meals growing up. In Year 10, I completed work experience at a small restaurant and from the moment I stepped into the kitchen, I knew it would be the job for me!

Often people go out for meals to celebrate or spend quality time together. So, to make a meal that exceeds a person’s expectations in that moment is truly special.

How did you decide what subjects to study in Years 11 and 12?

I selected subjects that would benefit my future career as a chef. Maths helped with numbers in recipes and conversions, while Hospitality and the Certificate III in Commercial Cookery guided me at the start of my career. Agricultural Science taught me about plant cultivation and the challenges faced by farmers. I also learnt about the philosophy of paddock to plate. The Certificate ll in Business gave me insight into running a business, which will definitely be something I use down the track.

What was the journey to becoming a chef like? Did you enjoy your VET courses?

I love to learn, and always feel engaged when studying. The hands-on learning was fantastic at TAFE, and I also really enjoyed the theory side. Throughout my apprenticeship I had the best support from my trainers, employer, and family. I’m always learning and trying to become a better person and chef.

How do you balance work and health and well-being?

A balanced lifestyle is very important. You need to make time for yourself and put your health and wellbeing first. Things that really fill my cup include going out for dinner with family or friends, massages, and watching the sunset.

What other advice do you have for senior students?

Follow your dreams — no goal is too big or small. My grandfather gave me the best advice, which I hold close to my heart: “Be a leader, not a follower”.

What is your go to meal when cooking for yourself? Anything we should try?

My go to meal when cooking for myself is definitely some type of pasta. I find pasta to be a very versatile dish and you’re able to do multiple different flavoured sauces.

Last updated 1 August 2023