Results FAQs

The results FAQs provide information to help you access and understand your results and Senior Education Profile.

Final subject results and Senior Education Profiles for 2024 graduates will be available in the Student Portal from 9 am on Wednesday 11 December 2024.

Accessing your results and official documents

If you have already registered for Student Portal, you can log in with your email and password you have set for your account. You will need your learner unique identifier (LUI) the first time you register.

Visit the Student Portal page to view the following videos:

  • Registering for the Student Portal
  • Inside the Student Portal
  • Results in the Student Portal

See the Student Portal FAQs if you need help to access your account.

You can view your results via the Results tab in your learning account.

For QCAA General subjects you will receive a final mark out of 100 and a grade of A–E for each subject.

For QCAA Applied subjects you will receive a grade of A–E for each subject.

If you have completed vocational education and training (VET) courses, other recognised studies or higher education studies, you will see these in your learning account after your achievement has been reported by your learning provider.

You can access your official certificates and statements via the Senior Education Profile tab in your learning account.

If you are eligible, you will also see a QCE Achievement Awards tab in your learning account. Depending on your eligibility, it may contain one or more of the following:

QCE commendation certificates

  • Certificate of Academic Commendation
  • Subject Achievement Commendation

QCE Achievement Award

  • Distinguished Academic Achiever
  • Outstanding Academic Achiever
  • Highest Achievement by an Aboriginal Student or Torres Strait Islander Student
  • Highest Achievement in the Humanities
  • Highest Achievement in the Liberal Arts
  • Highest Achievement in STEM

The QCAA will email eligible students in mid December to obtain permission to publish their name on the QCE Achievement Awards honour roll on the QCAA website.

More information about the QCE Achievement Awards categories and eligibility criteria is available on the QCAA website.

Yes, if you are eligible you will see a QCE Achievement Awards tab in your learning account. Depending on your eligibility, it may contain one or more of the following:

QCE commendation certificates

  • Certificate of Academic Commendation
  • Subject Achievement Commendation

QCE Achievement Award

  • Distinguished Academic Achiever
  • Outstanding Academic Achiever
  • Highest Achievement by an Aboriginal Student or Torres Strait Islander Student
  • Highest Achievement in the Humanities
  • Highest Achievement in the Liberal Arts
  • Highest Achievement in STEM

The certificates are official. You can download and save them at any time and provide them as PDFs to potential employers or further education/training providers.

The QCAA will email eligible students in mid December to obtain permission to publish their name on the QCE Achievement Awards honour roll on the QCAA website.

The Senior Education Profile (SEP) may include a Senior Statement or Statement of Results, and the Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) or Queensland Certificate of Individual Achievement (QCIA), if the eligibility requirements have been met. These are electronic documents issued online in your Student Portal.

The Senior Statement or Statement of Results list the subjects and courses in your learning account and the results you achieved.

The documents contain a digital signature and a unique document ID to confirm they are authentic.  You can download and print them from your learning account, or provide electronic copies to potential employers or further studies providers.

Visit the Student Portal page to view the following videos:

  • Registering for the Student Portal
  • Inside the Student Portal
  • Results in the Student Portal

Yes. The documents in your learning account are official.

You can download and save them at any time, or provide them as PDFs to potential employers or further education/training providers.

There are a number of ways that employers, further education providers and other organisations can check if certificates and statements are authentic:

  • Electronic certificates and statements feature a blue digital signature panel along the top of the document. This certifies they are authentic QCAA documents and have not been altered.
  • Via QR code — when scanned, the QR code on a SEP certificate or statement directs users to a unique web page which displays the student’s name, document and date issued, and results if applicable. This confirms it is official. The URL will contain the QCAA domain name (
  • Via the QCAA website — users will need to enter the student’s family name, LUI and the unique document ID that is on the bottom of the certificate and/or statement.

Yes. You can download the official documents from your learning account and print your own copies. If you provide the print copy to a third party, there are a number of ways they can check their authenticity:

  • Via QR code — when scanned, the QR code on a SEP certificate or statement directs users to a unique web page which displays the student’s name, document and date issued, and results if applicable. This confirms it is official. The URL will contain the QCAA domain name (
  • Via the QCAA website — users will need to enter the student’s family name, LUI and the unique document ID that is on the bottom of the certificate and/or statement.

The QCAA does not post printed copies of your Senior Statement, Statement of Results, Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE), or QCE Achievement Awards.

This is because the electronic documents in your learning account are official documents — they contain a digital signature and a unique document ID to confirm they are authentic. You can download and print them from your learning account or provide electronic copies to potential employers or further studies providers. Third parties can also confirm the authenticity of your QCE, Senior Statement or Statement of Results with the QCAA.

If you don't have access to a printer and would like the QCAA to send you print copies of your Senior Education Profile (SEP) documents, you will need to request them via your learning account by the end of January. The print copies will be identical to the electronic copies and printed on plain paper. The QCAA will post copies in March, once applications for verification have been finalised.

If you request a printed copy after the cut-off date, you will need to apply to the QCAA and pay a fee per certificate.

No. The Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC) calculates and provides ATARs to eligible Queensland students. You will find more information on the QTAC website.

Understanding your results

Final subject results are based on your assessment in Units 3 and 4. Your results in Units 1 and 2 do not count towards your final subject result; however, they contribute towards the Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) and your QCE eligibility.

Schools make  judgments about your achievement in Unit 1 and Unit 2 based on the assessments you've completed for each subject. Your result is reported to the QCAA as Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory.

A school may determine your result is Unsatisfactory if you've had the opportunity to engage in the teaching, learning and assessment, and your achievements (overall) against the syllabus standards are at a D or E standard.

If you think there is missing information or results in your learning account, you can request a verification of information.

To apply for a verification of information or reassessment of external assessment, students will need to complete and submit the applicable form via the Verification and reassessment tab in their learning account in Student Portal by 13 January 2025.

In Applied subjects, you will not see results for internal assessments in your learning account.  Your school will make a judgment about the four assessments you complete during Units 3 and 4. Your exit result of A–E is reported in your learning account based on the exit folio of your responses to the assessments.

In Applied (Essential) subjects (Essential English and Essential Mathematics), you will respond to three school-developed assessments and the common internal assessment (CIA). Your exit result of A–E is reported in your learning account after completing Units 3 and 4.

In most General subjects, external assessment contributes 25% towards your overall subject result. In Mathematics and Science subjects it contributes 50%.

The results from your external assessments will provide a score out of 25 or 50, depending on the subject. The result is then added to your total internal assessment results out of 75 or 50 to give a mark out of 100 and a grade of A–E for each subject. The marks you received for your internal assessments are not affected by your external assessment result.

If you have an approved access arrangements and reasonable adjustments (AARA) application for illness or misadventure, the QCAA will ensure that you receive a fair subject result. The QCAA considers your completed summative internal assessments when calculating your final subject result.

Final subject results for General and General (Extension) subjects are calculated by adding the results for the internal and external assessments to give a mark out of 100.

Subject experts compare completed assessment tasks to the syllabus reporting standards to determine the numerical cut-offs that decide A–E grades in each subject.

Additional information about how the QCAA calculates results for General subjects is available on the QCAA website.

Yes, because the QCAA quality assures the internal assessment marks and students completing the same General and General (Extension) subjects sit the same external assessment.

In these subjects, internal assessment results are added to the external assessment result to give a mark out of 100. The marks you received for your internal assessments are not affected by your external assessment result.

Subject experts compare completed assessment tasks to the syllabus reporting standards to determine the numerical cut-offs that decide A–E grades in each subject. These cut-offs are used for all students who have completed the same subject. So a mark of 81 out of 100 achieved by a Modern History student in one school is comparable to a mark of 81 achieved by a Modern History student at another school.

No. It is not valid to compare the numerical results in different General and General (Extension) subjects.

Assessments are different between subjects, so the marks awarded to students are not comparable.

Subject experts compare completed assessment tasks to syllabus reporting standards to determine the numerical cut-offs that decide A–E grades in each subject. These grade boundaries vary between subjects. So the mark a student must achieve to be awarded an A in one subject may be different to the cut-off for an A in another subject.

Once all assessments have been completed, subject experts compare completed assessment tasks to syllabus reporting standards to determine the numerical cut-offs that decide the A–E grades in each subject.  The grade boundaries are the same for all students who have completed the same subject in that year. The A–E grades are known as reporting standards.

To be eligible for an ATAR, a student must satisfactorily complete a QCAA English subject.

Satisfactory completion means that students must achieve a result of C or better in one of five QCAA English subjects: English, Essential English, Literature, English & Literature Extension or English as an Additional Language. While students must meet this standard to be eligible to receive an ATAR, a student's English result will not be included in the calculation of their ATAR unless it is one of their best scaled results.

If you think there is missing or incorrect information or results in your certificate or statement, you can request a verification of information.

If you believe there has been a marking error for your external assessment or Senior External Examinations papers, you can request a reassessment of external assessment results.

To apply for a verification of information or reassessment of external assessment, students will need to complete and submit the applicable form via the Verification and reassessment tab in their learning account in Student Portal by 13 January 2025.

Fees apply. See the QCAA website for further information about checking results. If an error is found, QCAA will refund your application fee and send you an updated Senior Education Profile (SEP).

Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE)

To receive a QCE, you must accrue 20 credits at a set standard, in a set pattern and meet the literacy and numeracy requirements. Check your Senior Statement and the information in your learning account to see if all contributing studies are listed. If any are missing, contact the course provider (i.e. school, TAFE or private provider) to find out why your results weren't included.

If you think there has been an error, complete the application form via the Verification and reassessment tab in your learning account in the Student Portal and submit it to the QCAA with your application fee. If an error is found, QCAA will refund your application fee and send you an updated Senior Education Profile (SEP).

Find out more about QCE eligibility requirements.

You can keep working towards your QCE after you've left school. If you meet the QCE requirements after your Year 12 exit year, the QCAA will issue your QCE and a Statement of Results in your learning account (in the following July or December certification). If you need help planning your QCE pathway after Year 12, please submit a query via the Contact us page on the myQCE website.

Last updated 4 July 2024

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